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I softlocked myself by dismounting just as I was launched by the first catapult. i was stuck in a pit with no way out (at least no way I can think of)

Could you share a screenshot or more details about where this happened?


I see, thanks for sharing!

Yep. Great game btw. I love it

This is so awesome. So smooth so fun so many vania references.

Thanks! :)


I obtained the Magic Whistle before the Whistle. how much did you anticipate this?

I knew it could be done but it doesn't break anything... Notice you cant really go anywhere without getting the whistle... I'd prefer something more "elegant", however I just wanted to get the demo out. :)

This is so much fun!!

Thanks, glad you had fun!

This game is crazy i like it :D

Thanks! :)

You never come back for your buddy…?


Yeah, it's just a cut-off point for the demo. The idea in my head is that you find something to teleport buddy to your position and continue progress.

now i need a full release

Maybe someday! I have so many projects in the works.

I keep having to refight the Beetle Boss to get the grappling hook thingy, even if I save after.

I'll have to look into that, thanks for sharing.


This game is really cool!
But I don't like how you need to hold the jump to go full height. 


That's a pretty huge standard in most polished games nowadays


That's interesting feedback. It's possible you might feel different if it was the other way and a quick pressed sent you to full height every time.

Glad you think it's cool though!

The game is really cool!

Thanks! ^_^


Maybe someday :)

cool game. wondering why there was so much stuff to walk past that i cant do anything with though


Thanks... That's kind of how Metroidvanias work, you see stuff you cant bypass until you find a key item and return later. The main thing you can't interact with in most areas are the gray vines, which require a powerup I never gave in the demo (except for the 1 room in the end). I used them to create points of no return and reduce the playable space.

Awesome game! Felt really nice to play. Would love to see more!

Thanks! Maybe someday!

Yoshyi :D



love it so cool!

Thanks, glad you love it!


it was pretty fohhn (fun)

XD, glad you had fohhn!

Loved it! Kinda gave me the same feeling as when I played "Lyle in Cube Sector" a lot of years ago, which is a good thing. Superb game feel and level design.

Thanks! Glad you loved it, and how it poked your nostalgia! :D

(1 edit)

The game is trully enjoyable ! The character control is very pleasant and the differences in gameplay are very interesting ! I would be very interested by a full game.

I made a speedrun of the game here :

And i submited the game on, i'm sure the game could interest the speedrun community !

(Is the soundtrack available somewhere ?)

Thanks! Thanks for sharing your speedrun. No soundtrack anywhere sorry...  

Very interesting mix of Super Mario World and Metroid. Really fun! 

Glad you had fun! Thanks for sharing your footage!


great game. tbh I would remove the diagonal shooting. most of the time you want to walk so you can dodge while you are shooting up. Hopefully the next version of the game will have a less linear world. I would also like the platforming to be a bit less puzzle like (idk I guess im just bad) I did really enjoy the slingshot movement though


Thanks for your feedback! It is possible to shoot diagonal without moving btw, use the aim button, [i-key].

The level design in this game is superb. with each level offering new and interesting challenges.

Thanks for your feedback! :)


Thanks for sharing. I think you're right, I'll probably make it a little easier in the future.



Glad you think it's cool. Thanks for sharing your footage, I see some "sharp corners" I'd like to smooth out later. ;)

probably it's my footage or something 

No your footage is fine, I'm talking about some level design issues.

Great game. I'll be looking forward to the full release.

Glad you like it... I honestly didn't think folks would care much about this project. I don't really have plans for a full release right now.... maybe.

got stuck when i got the strawberrreh


nevermind, i just discovered right


Great little metroidyoshia


Glad you like it! Thanks!

Wow, Don't forget to try everything! Great game.

Thanks! :)

really fun

Thanks, glad you had fun!


Thank you!

I liked the game, on one screen it was a bit like a Metroid game

(1 edit)

Metroid was a big inspiration! Glad you liked it!


Cool game with a funky feel. I love the music especially.

Thanks! Happy to hear you loved the music!


This was a ton of fun. I loved the art and sound effects. The character designs were awesome. Fohh is so cute. After beating a boss, I would make Fohh do a head bang by spamming up and down. Amazing work.

Haha thank you! Glad you had some headbanging fun!


At first it felt very Mario and Yoshi-like, but it wasn't. It was a very fun, gimmicky action game! The controls were great!

The boss battles seemed a bit easier, because even if you take damage, you can ride Fohh right away and not die, and if you get hit while aiming a charge shot, you can use Magic Saddle to warp to Fohh's back immediately!


Thanks for sharing your footage! Glad you had some fun!


I will be playing this live tomorrow 5/20 around 630-7 PM EST.

A tiny feedback:

In the beginning, the character would fall from sky, if one hold left or right, the character would cling to wall for quite a long time, which is unpleasant😅

Thanks for sharing, I'll look into it.

increíble demo, super ben feel

Thanks! :)


Fantastic job! I especially liked having the characters split up to solve puzzles. A map feature would be nice too especially if you expand the game and make it even more of a MetroidVania (backtracking when you get new abilities). Still, I loved it and managed to get the trophy. If you continue with it, consider a Mac version please. :)

Thank you, happy to hear you loved it!

Super cool demo! I love the little dino guy, and the gameplay is super smooth and enjoyable! Great game!

Thanks, glad you had some fun!

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