Toy Cavers - Game Jam Post Mortem

Toy Cavers was made for The Lost Relic Games Jam, the theme was "Connection". I think we've all seen this idea of tethering characters together, when the theme was announce, it was the first thing I could think about. It's an idea I've carried for a little while.
While I did re-use a lot of code from past projects, I also did re-write a lot of stuff from the ground up. All my usually stuff is there, like scene controllers, sound managers, sprite animators, stuff like that. I used a lot of what I learned from making Below the Ocean, especially in regards to the basic tether mechanics, however, I wrote things like the tether code and and player mostly from scratch, or with a little copy-paste for the super redundant stuff.
The idea of making the characters toys occurred when I was thinking of ways to show the player which character they were controlling. I played with a few different methods, like flashing, and color swapping. The sprite flashing method was supposed to emulate old school transparency for the toy you didn't control, but I wasn't feeling it. I didn't like the color swapping (making pink to blue and blue to pink so the player would only ever control a blue or pink guy) because the brothers lost their identity. I didn't want to use alternative colors because the pallet is so limited and I think it just made things look more messy. So I tried an overhead arrow over the controlled character. It looked okay, and it got the job done, but I felt like something could be better. I animated the arrow to make it spin... I had it spinning over their heads, but I also wanted to try pointing it at their back. When the arrow was back there, it gave me the idea of making it look like a wind up toy, it worked really well with another idea I had, which was stopping the character's animator if they weren't controlled. It stuck, and I think it was a cool idea that helps give the game an identity AND inform the player.
This was my first weeklong jam. I liked the idea of a long jam because I really don't have time to try to squeeze a game out over a weekend, at least not one with so much to do. The longer period did give me a lot of time to tinker, especially in the early builds where I was trying to get the physics down.
I did still compromise A LOT and clamped down the scope because of the Jam. I have a lot of ideas I didn't get to play with, and I think people are going to ask about a 2-player mode.
Bugs. There's definitely some bugs that are gonna creep up lol. I actually had to scramble to get the web build working because it was having some problems the PC build didn't have, or I didn't run into *fingers crossed* lol
Overall I like what came out! Thanks for checking it out!
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Played through the game. I enjoyed it.
Very tight controls and I like the slow ramping up of the challenge. It did not become too challenging too quickly. I was really sad when I reached the end. Keep up the great work!
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for the post mortem. Insight into function and form merging organically through your process is really cool. I would have thought you just started with toys... but thinking back on how it played it really worked well... my eyes were naturally drawn to the animation without losing track of who I was. Great job!
Thank you! Post mortems are nice for my future self too lol.
It looks like Zx spectrum visual style! Retro is nice! I like 8 bit computers! And even have Sintez 2 - soviet version of zx spectrum. It is 48k version. But i still try to run this computer. It has some special connector about video output! aaaaa!
But your game, reminds me zx spectrum! This is very exciting! Have a nice day!
Dont tell anyone, but ive never played a spectrum game lol