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what do i do affter i get the sneackers???

Backtrack towards the surface, there's a cave you can enter with your new abilities.



Press buttons.

make sense

(1 edit)

Cool game!

A fun quick experience, I loved the boss-fights, as well as playing with the mechanics of FOHH (the pink dino) to overcome levels. Each mechanic is gradually introduced, making it quite a fun experience to play around with new mechanics like the whistle and super fire breath. It was a nice way to allow late-game to be more complex without making it feel overwhelming. Also, (spoilers for end) seems kinda fitting that you beat the game simply by proving mastery of a new mechanic (Grappling) rather than a final boss. It was a cool subversion, and gave a nice ending feel to the game while reinforcing its platformer genre. Playing without FOHH at the very end was cool because it acted as a proper test of skill and tests your self-sufficiency. Overall, I loved it. Awesome game!

Thanks for your detailed feedback. Glad you had some fun!

(1 edit)

very good game, very good work, very good graphics, pretty good, kinda similar to cave story wich is pretty cool cause cave story is awesome just like this game, 9/10, pretty goo

Thanks! ^_^

cool game


Thank you!

Very nice demo, also speedrun-able which is nice. Keep up the good work!


I left my buddy Fohh...

and all I got for it was this mug trophy!



Dude, this game is so satisfying! I just loved it! I would really much enjoy a full version and also I was impressed with the amount of content in just a demo haha!


Glad you like it!


I would die for this radical dude and his dinosaur friend


Can't jump with a gamepad :(

That's odd... what type of gamepad?





I'm a bit late to the party here, but really enjoyed this game! I think there's a lot of potential here for something special, thanks for making it!

Thanks for sharing!


the game was really cool and fun but the grappling hook part was really confusing, i dont know if i just missed the instructions or if they were just unclear, other than that though the game has a really nice charm to it and it feels really satisfying to play, good job dude!


Yeah it can be confusing, you're not alone. If you press jump while hooked you can do a slingshot type of jump.


What a fun demo. I enjoyed discoving new skill and placing them to the test in this simple yet enjoyable metroidvania. Good job.



very fun game, although I was a bit confused after getting the grappling hook. I had to look at the comments to find out what to do :( still very fun though!

Thanks for your feedback. Grapple hook is a bit confusing, I'll work on making it more clear and forgiving. Thanks again!


really cool!



cool game

Thank you!


j and i keys dont work for me idk


That's odd...


cool. fun game. did you make the music for it? 


Thank you. Yeah i made the music too.


What a really nice game bro, respect!!!



I found some really innocent glitches, like spamming buttons can sometimes result in a button being "locked", meaning that even if you are not touching the keyboard the game still thinks that you are holding down that button, and that is sometimes annoying, like when the "j" is locked and I cannot shoot anymore.

Another one that is somewhat hilarious is that when you press "r" then you die and respawn at a checkpoint, however pressing "r" before you respawn results in a small death scene where you character is not where it is supposed to be, however that is very much fine and doesn't affect the gameplay at all.

I found out that if you press "L" and a direction (left or right) while still falling from the beginning you start to slowly spin in that direction until you reach a wall, at which point you start to fall slower while still rolling midair. Also that is a soft lock if you do it to the right as you will get stuck on top of the pillar without control of the character.

To conclude this is a glitchy game and the "W" key is not mapped to be jump, which is annoying, so I'd say that this is a great game and that you have done a good job. 

Keep Developing!!

Thanks for your detailed feedback! Very helpful!

You are, very much, welcome


pretty cool! cant believe i havent seen a mount-focused metroidvania before, so much potential! I love that you have different abilities with and without the mount, you could come up with some really good puzzles mixing all those abilities, lots and lots to work with here, and it feels pretty nice to play too!


Thanks! Does Blaster Master count?

Nice game but a lil confusing at time

Thanks! Sorry it's confusing sometimes :)


Found a bug!

After the moth, I accidentally went into the next room without fohh, and pressed a button to shut the door. Then i teleported back to get fohh, and now i can't get into the next room!

Enjoying the game though! Kinda a Super Mario World Metroidvania!


That's an issue I hadn't considered, thanks for sharing! Glad you're still enjoying the game!


The game is fun, but I feel sad because Dino was not with me when I claimed victory.

Yep,it'ssad TAT

Sometimes sacrifices must be made lol.... Glad you had some fun!

nice game :B

Thanks! :)



(1 edit) (+1)

I know that FOHH is the name of the animal that you ride, but What does FOHH stand for anyway (if it does have an abbreviation)??


No abbreviation... It's pronounced like "faux"... ;)

hmm i feel like i got softlocked when i got the grappling hook? i cant get fohh back up to the top to destroy the darker colored blocks


try pressing jump while connected to a grappling hook


Gray vines can be broken if you shoot through them with the grapple-hook slingshot technique.

this is actually quite fun, i didnt encounter any problem


I softlocked myself by dismounting just as I was launched by the first catapult. i was stuck in a pit with no way out (at least no way I can think of)

Could you share a screenshot or more details about where this happened?


I see, thanks for sharing!

Yep. Great game btw. I love it

This is so awesome. So smooth so fun so many vania references.

Thanks! :)


I obtained the Magic Whistle before the Whistle. how much did you anticipate this?

I knew it could be done but it doesn't break anything... Notice you cant really go anywhere without getting the whistle... I'd prefer something more "elegant", however I just wanted to get the demo out. :)

This is so much fun!!

Thanks, glad you had fun!

This game is crazy i like it :D

Thanks! :)

You never come back for your buddy…?


Yeah, it's just a cut-off point for the demo. The idea in my head is that you find something to teleport buddy to your position and continue progress.

now i need a full release

Maybe someday! I have so many projects in the works.

I keep having to refight the Beetle Boss to get the grappling hook thingy, even if I save after.

I'll have to look into that, thanks for sharing.


This game is really cool!
But I don't like how you need to hold the jump to go full height. 


That's a pretty huge standard in most polished games nowadays


That's interesting feedback. It's possible you might feel different if it was the other way and a quick pressed sent you to full height every time.

Glad you think it's cool though!

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